Saison beer | What exactly is a saison?
With its summery origins, thirst-quenching properties and fruity character, the saison is a must-have right now. Read our article to learn exactly what it is!

What does Session IPA mean?
If you've seen a Session IPA on the draught list at your local pub but haven't known exactly what it is, here's your guide to this newly popular beer style.

Sour beer and food pairing
What would you serve with fresh, sour beer? The best food pairing tips for gueuze, saison and wheat beer can be found at Beerwulf.com.

Porter vs Stout
Porter and stout have both been around for centuries, but what's the difference between these two styles that have a rich and entwined history?

Strong Beer | How strong is the strongest?
Want to know which are the strongest beers in the world? What are the secrets of strong beers? What defines them? Our beer sommelier reveals all!

A complete guide to wheat beers & weissbier
Do you know the difference between Wheat Beers, Hefeweizen & Weissbier? Find out here, alongside our top recommendations.