Yeast & beer fermentation explained
There are hundreds of yeast strains, each with different characteristics. Ale yeast is top-fermenting. Lager is typically bottom-fermenting. Check it out!

Beer Head | How to Get Good Foam On Your Beer
A good beer head can be tricky to master if you don't know what you're doing. From nucleated glasses to beer skimming, we've got all the tips!

How to cool a beer fast | Tips and tricks
Ever wondered what the fastest way to cool your beer is... or ever needed to cool a beer without a fridge? Well we have just the trick for you!

How should beer be stored?
How should you store beer? Can I still drink a beer after its best-before date? How important is the storage temperature of your beer? Beerwulf has the answers!

How cold should beer be served?
How cold should beer really be served? Sure, “ an ice-cold beer” sounds appealing, but that's not always the right way! Find out the correct temperature today.

Beer Ingredients | What's beer made of?
What are the main ingredients in beer? Our beer sommelier explains the 4 essentials to beer brewing. That's water, malt, hops and yeast.

Beer Glasses
Ever wondered which beer glass goes best with which beer? Is it a Chalice, Tulip or Pint? Find out here!