Confezione Bicchieri Birra Moretti
This is now out of stock - we'll let you know when it's back
Sorry, due to high demand we have sold out
But don't worry, there is still time to check out our other craft beer packs
This is now out of stock - we'll let you know when it's back
Sorry, due to high demand we have sold out
But don't worry, there is still time to check out our other craft beer packs
Informazioni prodotto
Non c'è niente di meglio di una Birra Moretti spillata direttamente nel suo bicchiere originale.
Questa confezione contiene 6 bicchieri Birra Moretti.
- Contenuto: 25cl
- Contenuto consigliato: 30cl
- Lavabile in lavastoviglie (Consigliamo comunque di lavare i bicchieri a mano)
Confezione Bicchieri Birra Moretti
Sorry, due to high demand we have sold out
But don't worry, there is still time to check out our other craft beer packs