Lucky Saint
Lucky Saint
Rewarding those who aren't drinking with the beer they deserve.
Lucky Saint beers
Lager Saint beers were designed to challenge and change the world’s perception of alcohol-free beer. After years of rejection and lack of faith from people within the industry Lucky Saint founder Luke Boase, set himself the challenge of producing “an alcohol-free beer worth drinking.” People were adamant it couldn't be done, unfathomable that you could create a tasty alcohol-free beer. A full year of development ensued, he started sourcing the finest ingredients, creating his own yeast, and tailoring the brewing process. After lots of trial and error Lucky Saint found a style and flavour that was, and still is, a first for an alcohol-free beer.
Lucky Saint lager
Lucky Saint 0% lager is biscuity and smooth with a citrusy hop aftertaste. Lucky Saint is made with the best possible ingredients, the highest quality malted barley, the freshest Hallertau hops and and their very own single-use yeast. Not only do they boast a chemical free makeup, no additives, no adjuncts, no flavourings but it is also made from pure Bavaria spring water. A truly clean and consistent flavour!