Packed full of eccentric flavours and creations!
Why did we choose Punk IPA for the SUB?
Punk IPA is said to be the "beer that kick-started it", being the most popular of BrewDog's range - so what a great place to start! This light, golden classic is an explosion of flavour, with bursts of caramel and spikes of tropical fruit; grapefruit, pineapple and lychee.
Buy the keg!
So, how did BrewDog begin?
The founders of BrewDog were bored by most of the beer they could find on the UK market and decided the solution was to start brewing themselves. So that's how in April 2007, in an old industrial estate, in Scotland, BrewDog came howling into the world.
What types of beer do they brew?
They have a world-class selection of IPAs including Punk IPA (which we currently have on the SUB), ranging in hoppy and fruity flavours - as well as a few stouts and cracking lagers!
Where can I buy Brewdog SUB kegs?
At Beerwulf of course! We also sell a few of Brewdog's range in our beer cases, so make sure to check those out too.